2/16 - Revolve, evolve, some third thing that rhymes

Getting into the mess of school brings a certain kind of chaos that I love. After reading a portion of Your Career In Animation by the wonderful David B. Levy it all makes sense why that chaos is there.

From the reading I can see that Animation school is a mass chaos of learning, projects and opportunities that I have the pleasure to dive into and make sense of. All the while experimenting on the work that I want to be creating. I especially like the section where he criticized having a style over using the opportunity to discover who you really are and what you really do is.

For me I learned that lesson early when I was still in school for graphic design. My page layout instructor, Sarah, always encouraged and taught us to look past developing our own style and start creating for the project, client, or demographic in mind. I didn’t like doing that, and it was frustrating but I learned that I am not always going to be doing things in my style. And my own style still needs some work, it’s always evolving. So rather than constantly revolve I can jump and try unexpected things like my cute lil moon I have animated. The weight isn’t perfect but I am happy with what I created and I want to keep developing how to represent objects in believable and delightful ways


2/24 Breaking the Brand